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Piuma is a full service production company for both TV commercial and print campaigns. We don’t have ties to specific directors or still photographers, instead we adapt our production style to fit our client’s needs. Having produced jobs throughout the entire US as well as Europe and Asia, we’re well experienced with the logistics and demands involved in international productions, particularly when dealing with crew from various cultures and languages. Our clients come to us for our production expertise alone, but should they also need a director or photographer, we’d be happy to recommend either US or international talent appropriate for the job. 


We handle all aspects of production: location scouting, casting, crew, equipment rental, permitting, and post-production.  We believe strongly in the singular importance of the location – whether it be a city street, landscape, interior location, or a studio – so we have an extensive library of locations and do all of our scouting in-house. Our TV work runs the gamut from automotive to electronics to sports merchandise to celebrity-based commercials. Much of our print work has been for car catalogs in association with Shigeki Otani of Zipzap NY, but we also have experience with fashion, camera catalogs, and even art photography books. Often, we produce print and TV campaigns simultaneously.


Piuma was established in 2003 by its Executive Producer Doug Dilg. Prior to that, Doug was Executive Producer of the LA office of PMC International for over 10 years. Doug has also produced two independent feature films - Strangers Kiss & Good to Go - and was the Director of Advertising for The Film League and Caribou Films, both feature film distribution companies in New York City.  Piuma is based in the Los Angeles area.

In 2018, Paul Sun, who had collaborated with Piuma  on a number of projects, finally  joined the company as a Staff Producer and has recently been  promoted to Head of Production. In addition to his producing work, Paul has directed a number of award winning documentaries and short films, as well a commercials for Kakao Talk, UCLA, World Vision, among others. 

WHO we are:

© 2014 by Piuma Motion LLC. 

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